Comprehensive Pet Pain Management in Flint, MI


We provide safe and effective pain management to your pets

The practice of high-quality veterinary medicine focuses on the entire patient – from medical issues that affect physical functioning, to emotional and psychological issues that affect well-being. Experiencing pain can affect the body’s physical functioning and can have a detrimental effect on a patient’s well-being and state of mind. That’s why comprehensive pet pain management in Flint, MI is among our primary considerations when we are treating a pet for any medical condition.

From routine procedures (such as a spays or dental cleanings), to more advanced medical treatments (such as bone surgeries or cancer treatments), to chronically painful conditions (such as arthritis or back pain), we are dedicated to providing safe and effective pain management to every patient. We will also help you recognize signs of pain in your pet so that we can modify his or her pain management plan when necessary.

Recognizing and alleviating pain in our patients is at the very heart of quality, compassionate patient care. We don’t take our comprehensive pain management for granted and will employ all our skills to help ensure your pet’s comfort, well-being, and full recovery.